Cat food kosher for Passover

The Jewish world is entering the high holiday of Pessach / Passover this Friday night. I am pretty busy with cleaning the house and making everything kosher for Pessach. Today I went to a pet shop in order to be prepared and the guy working there offered me cat food (Friskies) kosher for Passover. Without any forbidden grains and Chametz. I was quite surprised because I had never faced this kind of problem before. No wonder, as I have never had a cat before November 2014.

And what’s new with Fuzzy and her newborn kittens ?

First of all, I saw that there are not five anymore but only four. One must have died and Mom Fuzzy took it out of the tent, I have no idea where.

Two days ago, I took the tent away and made Fuzzy and her one month old kittens move somewhere else. I just couldn’t face the situation in front of my door anymore. The little ones were running around and everything was full of poop. As soon as I opened my door, the kittens ran inside and I had to run after them.

Fuzzy was sad when I took away the tent but she got the message. The family now lives next door where another neighbour is providing them shelter. Well, Fuzzy knows how to schnorr ! 🙂

However, she still comes over to me for more food and I just hope that she is not bringing her kittens back. 🙂

My cat Jerry is still half indoors and half day outside. She used to be a street cat until the age of four months and she loves it outside in the garden. The rest of the family doesn’t accept her but this has always been the case and not because she is spayed. Jerry was always the youngest and easy to bully.